Thursday, January 27, 2011


Three days after Ben's crazy bicep workout and I feel pretty good.  I really thought my arms were going to lock up on me at some point over the weekend but it never happened and the soreness was pretty minimal(I have a feeling I'm gonna regret writing that).

The third week of working out and I feel great.  I've seen improvements in my cardiovascular and muscular endurance and the scale is showing me that my hard work is paying  off.  Having seen these improvements in my workout, I decided that this week I would step it up a bit and increase my weights in Star Max.  We had 2 new people join us for the workout, so I knew I had to really push myself because there's no way I was gonna let the new meat outdo me; plus I had a feeling that Kevin would probably show-off in front of company.  I increased my weights by 5lbs and grabbed the 25lb dumbbells to use after my warm-up.....

Sprints: 6 x baseline to baseline
Dynamic Stretch: High Knees(2x), butt kicks(2x), frankensteins(2x), heel tuck-in, heel tuck-out baseline to baseline and broken up with sprints.

Russian Twists: 25lbs x 50 reps (2x)
Push Ups: 15 reps
Advanced Planks: 20 reps w/ a 20 second hold at the end

Start these advanced planks off in a regular plank position and then count reps by extending opposing arm and leg(eg right arm, left leg) out for a few seconds before returning to plank position. 

Push Ups: 15 reps
Dumbbell Push Press: 25lbs x 15 reps
Dumbbell Bicep Curls: 25lbs x 15 reps
Backpedal: 5 x baseline to baseline
Balance Sit Up: 30 reps (see Week Two - Day 5)
Bicycles: 50 reps

At this point we took a 60 second water break and I felt good.  The ab exercises seemed alot easier than the weeks before and I was actually thinking that maybe I should be doing 30lbs instead of 25lbs.

Suicides: 2 x baseline to baseline
"Box" Drill: 5 x

For this exercise we started off on the block under one basket, sprinted across to the other basket, carioca across the lane from block to block, backpedal back to opposing basket, carioca across the lane from block to block and then sprint across again.  We went through this drill 5 times and then took a 30 second break to catch our breath.

Ab Toe Touches: 25lbs x 30 reps
Ab Leg Raises: 15 reps
Dumbbell Push Press25lbs x 15 reps
2 Arm Dumbbell Row: 25lbs x 20 reps
Diamond Push Up: 15 reps
Acceleration Wall Drill-Run: 2 x 20 secs
Bicycles: 50 reps
Alternating V-Ups: 50 reps
Dumbbell Push up & Row:  25lbs x 20 reps (counting push ups as reps)

I finished this workout wondering if Kevin had taken it easy on us or if I really was improving that much, because this workout felt a whole lot easier than weeks past.  Even with the added weight, none of the exercises even came close to wiping me out and I was able to do all of the running without having to take extended timeouts to catch my breath.  Have another workout on Thursday though, so we'll see if I come out feeling the same way.

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