Friday, January 21, 2011


So, only a little over a week in and I've already dropped 6lbs.  If Kevin didn't have me eating so much on this meal plan, I would probably be a little worried because 6lbs in a week is alot.  Not complaining though because I'm eating well and the weight is just falling off.

Walked into the gym this morning and Kevin popped up from behind a weight rack with the biggest grin on his face, "I have the best workout planned for you guys this evening.  Rewrote it 3 times to get it just right.".  Well whoop-de-doo Kevin; like the last couple of workouts didn't kick my butt enough.  I just took it in stride and kept moving though.  By 6:15pm I was mentally ready for whatever Kevin had to throw at us.  At least that's what  I thought......

Sprints: 6 x baseline to baseline
Dynamic Stretch: High Knees(2x), butt kicks(2x), frankensteins(2x), heel tuck-in, heel tuck-out baseline to baseline and broken up with sprints.

I felt really good doing the warm up and could definitely tell that my cardiovascular endurance is improving because I was able to do these at a much better pace than I did during Week One.  I finished up and was feeling pretty good but as I grabbed my dumbbells and walked over I knew that Kevin had other plans.  The goal for this workout was to go through the entire circuit in under 45 minutes without stopping.

Dumbbell Push up & Row: 20lbs x 20reps (counting push ups as reps)
Dumbbell Bicep Curls: 20lbs x 20 reps
Walking Dumbbell Lunges w/ Shoulder Shrugs:   20lbs baseline to baseline
Russian Twists: 20lbs x 50 reps
Alternating V-Ups: 50 reps
Chest Press w/ Leg Raise: 20lbs x 20

My abs were going nuts right about now and I thought my 6 pack was going to pop right out(wishful thinking:)  Right after pushing through these chest presses, Kevin gave us a few seconds of active recovery.  Walking on the tips of our toes we had to go baseline to baseline, flexing our calves with each step.

Toe Walk: baseline to baseline
Sprints: 5 x baseline to baseline

We started these sprints out in a 3 point football stance, exploding out into a sprint across the court and then jogging back.  Going at full bore, I was having a hard time stopping at the end of my sprint and thought I was going to smash into the glass at the end of the basketball court each time down.  I came close but managed to get all 5 prints in without pulling a Wile E Coyote on the wall.

Frog Sit-ups: 20 reps
Ab Toe Touches: 20lbs x 30 reps
Balance Sit-up: 15 reps

As if my abs weren't sore enough, Kevin throws in this sit-up variation.  You start off on your back with your feet a few inches off the ground and proceed like a regular sit up.  With your feet off the ground, you have no anchor and you really have to use your entire core to stay in control as you go up and back down.  I would link pics of this exercise but I really struggled on this one and my form really didn't look like anything I found online. Got through these 1 or 2 reps at a time but have to admit I was really close to tapping out after each rep.

Plyo Push ups: 15 reps

I thought I would never get through these. Over to my right Steve seemed to be knocking these out and making them look pretty too.  I just could not get a rhythm going and it was all I could do to explode off the ground and get in 1 or 2 push ups at a time before having to pause.

Dumbbell Front Squats: 20lbs x 25 reps
Diamond Push Up: 15 reps

Kevin instructed us to come up and hold the 15th rep for as long as we could.  I held mine for 0 seconds.....

Dumbbell Bicep Curls: 20lbs x 10 reps
Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 20lbs x 10 repsl
Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension: 20lbs x 20 reps
2 Arm Dumbbell Snatch: 20lbs x 15 reps
2 Arm Dumbbell Row: 20lbs x 20 reps
Romanian Deadlift: 20lbs x 20 reps

Kevin wanted us to finish up this workout with DB squat presses(see Week One-Entry One) but my knee was bothering me a bit from a basketball injury a while back, so I ended finishing with deadlifts.  

I was totally wiped out after this workout.  Everything you see here was done as one giant circuit with no designated breaks accept the active recovery exercise we did.  Pushed through and thought about tapping out several times but I didn't because tapping out would have just been me cheating myself.  Still had to go walk my dog, so I grabbed a protein shake and headed home.  After a nice walk around the neighborhood(for the dog, not me) and a nice pork chop, sweet potato and green bean dinner, I passed out on the couch to pleasant dreams of me taking Kevin through a workout.

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