Thursday, January 27, 2011


Three days after Ben's crazy bicep workout and I feel pretty good.  I really thought my arms were going to lock up on me at some point over the weekend but it never happened and the soreness was pretty minimal(I have a feeling I'm gonna regret writing that).

The third week of working out and I feel great.  I've seen improvements in my cardiovascular and muscular endurance and the scale is showing me that my hard work is paying  off.  Having seen these improvements in my workout, I decided that this week I would step it up a bit and increase my weights in Star Max.  We had 2 new people join us for the workout, so I knew I had to really push myself because there's no way I was gonna let the new meat outdo me; plus I had a feeling that Kevin would probably show-off in front of company.  I increased my weights by 5lbs and grabbed the 25lb dumbbells to use after my warm-up.....

Sprints: 6 x baseline to baseline
Dynamic Stretch: High Knees(2x), butt kicks(2x), frankensteins(2x), heel tuck-in, heel tuck-out baseline to baseline and broken up with sprints.

Russian Twists: 25lbs x 50 reps (2x)
Push Ups: 15 reps
Advanced Planks: 20 reps w/ a 20 second hold at the end

Start these advanced planks off in a regular plank position and then count reps by extending opposing arm and leg(eg right arm, left leg) out for a few seconds before returning to plank position. 

Push Ups: 15 reps
Dumbbell Push Press: 25lbs x 15 reps
Dumbbell Bicep Curls: 25lbs x 15 reps
Backpedal: 5 x baseline to baseline
Balance Sit Up: 30 reps (see Week Two - Day 5)
Bicycles: 50 reps

At this point we took a 60 second water break and I felt good.  The ab exercises seemed alot easier than the weeks before and I was actually thinking that maybe I should be doing 30lbs instead of 25lbs.

Suicides: 2 x baseline to baseline
"Box" Drill: 5 x

For this exercise we started off on the block under one basket, sprinted across to the other basket, carioca across the lane from block to block, backpedal back to opposing basket, carioca across the lane from block to block and then sprint across again.  We went through this drill 5 times and then took a 30 second break to catch our breath.

Ab Toe Touches: 25lbs x 30 reps
Ab Leg Raises: 15 reps
Dumbbell Push Press25lbs x 15 reps
2 Arm Dumbbell Row: 25lbs x 20 reps
Diamond Push Up: 15 reps
Acceleration Wall Drill-Run: 2 x 20 secs
Bicycles: 50 reps
Alternating V-Ups: 50 reps
Dumbbell Push up & Row:  25lbs x 20 reps (counting push ups as reps)

I finished this workout wondering if Kevin had taken it easy on us or if I really was improving that much, because this workout felt a whole lot easier than weeks past.  Even with the added weight, none of the exercises even came close to wiping me out and I was able to do all of the running without having to take extended timeouts to catch my breath.  Have another workout on Thursday though, so we'll see if I come out feeling the same way.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Today I had a 1pm workout with Ben. I was looking forward to it but wasn't sure if I would be able to make it through a full body circuit because my knee was bothering me a bit.  I sprained it playing basketball a couple of months ago and it still bothers me every once in awhile.  Today, squats and lunges were a little painful when I attempted them during my warm-up.  Didn't need to worry though because Ben had other plans for me.  We were doing upper body and he had a grueling bicep workout all laid out for my enjoyment......

- 1st Set

Alternating Dumbbell Bicep Curls
50lbs x 4 reps
40lbs x 6 reps
30lbs x 10 reps
20lbs x 12 reps
10lbs x 15 reps
Barbell Pullover:  75lbs x 12 reps

My arms were on fire after this first set and we had 2 more to go.  Don't know how, but I guess I made them look a little too easy because Ben informed me that we were going to be starting off with a heavier weight and more repetitions on the next set.

- 2nd Set

55lbs x 4 reps
45lbs x 6 reps
35lbs x 10 reps
25lbs x 15 reps
15lbs x 20 reps
10lbs x 25 reps
Barbell Pullover:  75lbs x 12 reps

- 3rd Set

55lbs x 4 reps
45lbs x 6 reps
35lbs x 12 reps
25lbs x 15 reps
15lbs x 20 reps
10lbs x 25 reps
Barbell Pullover:  75lbs x 12 reps

Incline Sit-up w/ Medicine Ball: 10lbs x 12 reps
Hyperextension: 25lbs x 12 reps
2 Arm Dumbbell Triceps Kickback: 15lbs x 15 reps

We did the last 3 exercises as a superset for 3 sets and called it a wrap for the day.  This bicep workout was crazy but, with Ben's encouragement, I worked my way through my reps.  Bicep curls were always a strong point for me in the past; I've curled as much as 100lbs on dumbbells and 225lbs with the barbell but that was a long time ago, and I walked away from this workout wondering if I would even be able to use my arms later on in the day.  I'll let you know how that goes between now and my next workout.

Friday, January 21, 2011


So, only a little over a week in and I've already dropped 6lbs.  If Kevin didn't have me eating so much on this meal plan, I would probably be a little worried because 6lbs in a week is alot.  Not complaining though because I'm eating well and the weight is just falling off.

Walked into the gym this morning and Kevin popped up from behind a weight rack with the biggest grin on his face, "I have the best workout planned for you guys this evening.  Rewrote it 3 times to get it just right.".  Well whoop-de-doo Kevin; like the last couple of workouts didn't kick my butt enough.  I just took it in stride and kept moving though.  By 6:15pm I was mentally ready for whatever Kevin had to throw at us.  At least that's what  I thought......

Sprints: 6 x baseline to baseline
Dynamic Stretch: High Knees(2x), butt kicks(2x), frankensteins(2x), heel tuck-in, heel tuck-out baseline to baseline and broken up with sprints.

I felt really good doing the warm up and could definitely tell that my cardiovascular endurance is improving because I was able to do these at a much better pace than I did during Week One.  I finished up and was feeling pretty good but as I grabbed my dumbbells and walked over I knew that Kevin had other plans.  The goal for this workout was to go through the entire circuit in under 45 minutes without stopping.

Dumbbell Push up & Row: 20lbs x 20reps (counting push ups as reps)
Dumbbell Bicep Curls: 20lbs x 20 reps
Walking Dumbbell Lunges w/ Shoulder Shrugs:   20lbs baseline to baseline
Russian Twists: 20lbs x 50 reps
Alternating V-Ups: 50 reps
Chest Press w/ Leg Raise: 20lbs x 20

My abs were going nuts right about now and I thought my 6 pack was going to pop right out(wishful thinking:)  Right after pushing through these chest presses, Kevin gave us a few seconds of active recovery.  Walking on the tips of our toes we had to go baseline to baseline, flexing our calves with each step.

Toe Walk: baseline to baseline
Sprints: 5 x baseline to baseline

We started these sprints out in a 3 point football stance, exploding out into a sprint across the court and then jogging back.  Going at full bore, I was having a hard time stopping at the end of my sprint and thought I was going to smash into the glass at the end of the basketball court each time down.  I came close but managed to get all 5 prints in without pulling a Wile E Coyote on the wall.

Frog Sit-ups: 20 reps
Ab Toe Touches: 20lbs x 30 reps
Balance Sit-up: 15 reps

As if my abs weren't sore enough, Kevin throws in this sit-up variation.  You start off on your back with your feet a few inches off the ground and proceed like a regular sit up.  With your feet off the ground, you have no anchor and you really have to use your entire core to stay in control as you go up and back down.  I would link pics of this exercise but I really struggled on this one and my form really didn't look like anything I found online. Got through these 1 or 2 reps at a time but have to admit I was really close to tapping out after each rep.

Plyo Push ups: 15 reps

I thought I would never get through these. Over to my right Steve seemed to be knocking these out and making them look pretty too.  I just could not get a rhythm going and it was all I could do to explode off the ground and get in 1 or 2 push ups at a time before having to pause.

Dumbbell Front Squats: 20lbs x 25 reps
Diamond Push Up: 15 reps

Kevin instructed us to come up and hold the 15th rep for as long as we could.  I held mine for 0 seconds.....

Dumbbell Bicep Curls: 20lbs x 10 reps
Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 20lbs x 10 repsl
Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension: 20lbs x 20 reps
2 Arm Dumbbell Snatch: 20lbs x 15 reps
2 Arm Dumbbell Row: 20lbs x 20 reps
Romanian Deadlift: 20lbs x 20 reps

Kevin wanted us to finish up this workout with DB squat presses(see Week One-Entry One) but my knee was bothering me a bit from a basketball injury a while back, so I ended finishing with deadlifts.  

I was totally wiped out after this workout.  Everything you see here was done as one giant circuit with no designated breaks accept the active recovery exercise we did.  Pushed through and thought about tapping out several times but I didn't because tapping out would have just been me cheating myself.  Still had to go walk my dog, so I grabbed a protein shake and headed home.  After a nice walk around the neighborhood(for the dog, not me) and a nice pork chop, sweet potato and green bean dinner, I passed out on the couch to pleasant dreams of me taking Kevin through a workout.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Week 2 of my Star Max Elite training with Kevin.  I woke up feeling pretty good and looking forward to the workout.  The day flew by and before I knew it the clock said 6:15pm and I hadn't changed for my workout yet.  Truth is, as much as I had been looking forward to this workout all day, I probably would have convinced myself that I was "too busy" and kept working if I didn't have a trainer waiting for me.  Kevin was waiting though, so I ran into the locker room and by the time I hit the basketball court they had already started with the warm-up.....

Sprints: 6 x baseline to baseline
Dynamic stretching: knee hugs, butt kicks, Frankensteins baseline to baseline and broken up by sprints.

I had to cut the warm-up a little short because I was late and they had already started.  I felt alot better going baseline to baseline than I did in Week One though, so that was already a boost.  Kevin waived me over and I jumped right in....

Dumbbell Squat: 20lbs x 20 reps
Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension: 20lbs x 20 reps
Dumbbell Push up & Row:  20lbs x 20 reps (counting push ups as reps)
Lying Twists: 40 reps 
Alternating V-Ups:  40 reps 
Acceleration Wall Drill-Run: 2 x 20 secs

Now I have to say that this was probably the slowest wall drill you have ever seen.  Kevin kept saying "" and I was like "I am running!!".  Gonna have to work on those.

Backpedal: 5 x baseline to baseline
Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 20lbs x 20 reps (slow on the negatives)
Dumbbell Bicep Curls: 20lbs x 20 reps
Walking Lunges: 20lbs sideline to sideline
Russian Twists: 20lbs x 40 reps
Farmer's Run: 20lbs - 5 x baseline to baseline

When I first tried this Farmer's Run exercise last week, I couldn't even run back and forth once.  This time around I was able to run 5 times baseline to baseline; only resting for a few seconds after my 3rd and 4th sets.  Kevin thought I was done after my 4th set and the little fat boy on my shoulder was screaming to stop but I sucked it up and knocked out the last set.  Stopping after 4 would have only been cheating myself.  Plus we had a 3 minute break after my 5th set;)

After the 3 minute break, we ran through another circuit to finish up....

Dumbbell Squat: 20lbs x 20 reps
Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension: 20lbs x 20 reps
Dumbbell Push up & Row:  20lbs x 20 reps (counting push ups as reps)
Lying Twists: 40 reps 
Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 20lbs x 20 reps (slow on the negatives)
Dumbbell Bicep Curls: 20lbs x 20 reps
Walking Lunges: 20lbs sideline to sideline
Suicides: 2 x baseline to baseline

This was a good workout.  I felt much better going through the circuit and didn't feel as winded in between exercises.  I also weighed in this morning and saw that with only a week under my belt, I've already lost 4lbs!!!  One week in and I can definitely feel the difference.  Okay, time to eat again....

Monday, January 17, 2011


Sunday & Monday I allowed my body to rest and recover from my first week of working out.  I just tried to focus on my new meal plan and jumped on the treadmill for some extra cardio and to get blood flowing in my sore legs.  The meal plan is cool but right off the bat I realized that my biggest challenge with starting this meal plan is going to be getting in the necessary calories throughout the day and not waiting and overeating at one sitting.

Being a self-confessed "fat boy just waiting to get out", I have also always found comfort in food and know that emotional eating can be a problem.  Illness, stress or even cold weather can conjure up visions of fried chicken, pizza, ice-cream and the likes for me and this has always been an ongoing battle.  Dealing with my heart issues and surgery, those cravings became harder and harder to ignore and my inner "fat boy" re-emerged.  I've gotten back on track now as far as not giving in to those cravings but don't think that those visions of Popeye's chicken with cajun rice and Liberian fried pepper, double whoppers with cheese or Ben & Jerry's Imagine Whirled Peace will ever go away.  Those cravings will always be there when flu symptoms set in or life just throws a curve ball my way(I think I could've bought out Domino's when I found out my friend Davon passed away the other day.....RIP Deebo).  

My strategy for battling emotional eating has always been awareness and willpower but that doesn't always work for everyone.  Sometimes it takes a more focused effort to stop that emotional eating. 5 key steps to doing that are:

1. Eat mindfully - keep a journal if you have to.

2. Watch out for your eating triggers

3. Stop the negative pattern when it happens

4. Find a substitute for the eating -  working out and getting on a regular exercise program are great options.

5. Establish new beliefs about food - food is for fuel, feeding muscle and providing energy.

Athletes and bodybuilders tend to rarely be emotional eaters because they usually view food as fuel for energy and building muscle.  I'm just a "fat boy just waiting to get out" so it takes a little more of an effort to fight off those cravings, but I've done it before and I'm doing it again.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Today I wrapped up my first week of training by working out with Ben.  I didn't know what to expect but was definitely looking forward to seeing what my trainer had in store.  Came into the gym and was turning around a bit trying to set up a kickboxing demo with a new group fitness instructor, when Ben made me aware that it was time and I was on the clock. We walked over to the bench press where Ben began to put a 10lb plate on each side of the bar and started to explain that we would be starting with the bench press and using that weight to do a circuit training workout.  Only 65lbs though on the bench press though?  I let him know that I just bench pressed 275lbs with ease the other day and was pretty sure I could handle more than 65lbs.  "Let's at least start with 95lbs. I can do that" least that's what I thought.  Ben just smiled loaded up the bar with my desired weight and we began....

--Bench Press: 95lbs x 20 reps
--Barbell Row: 95lbs x 20 reps
--Close Grip Bench Press: 95lbs x 20 reps

It was at this point in the circuit that I started to wonder if I had bitten off a little more than I could chew.  I was supposed to be doing skullcrushers but 2 reps in and my arms just wouldn't extend, so we had to switch to a triceps exercise that didn't isolate my triceps so much.

--Barbell Bicep Curls: 65lbs x 20 reps

No that's not a typo.  You read it properly......65lbs.  We started this exercise off with 95lbs on the bar but  the burn in my arms and chest was just too intense I was only able to do 2 or 3 reps.  When picking the weights to use for a circuit workout, you want to try and use a weight that is challenging but not too heavy for you.  The goal of the circuit is not to work to failure on each exercise but to complete each exercise before moving on to the next.

--Incline Bench Press: 65lbs x 20 reps
--Barbell Deadlift: 65lbs x 20 reps
--Clean & Press: 65lbs x 20 reps
**This exercise is a combination of a regular clean with a military shoulder press
--Barbell Squat: 65lbs x 20 reps

At this point we took a much needed 3 minute breather.  This first time through the circuit took a little over 10 minutes and we had one more round to go.  This time I kept my mouth shut about the weights and just assumed the starting position.

--Bench Press: 65lbs x 20 reps
--Barbell Row: 65lbs x 20 reps
--Close Grip Bench Press: 65lbs x 20 reps
--Barbell Bicep Curls: 65lbs x 20 reps
--Incline Bench Press: 65lbs x 20 reps
--Barbell Deadlift: 65lbs x 20 reps
--Clean & Press: 65lbs x 20 reps
**This exercise is a combination of a regular clean with a military shoulder press
--Barbell Squat: 65lbs x 20 reps
--Medicine Ball Woodchopper: 2 sets11lbs x 20 reps

Two times through the entire circuit took about 30 minutes, including the 3 minute break and the numerous times I had to pause to catch my breath.  Our initial goal for this workout is to be able to get through the entire circuit with as few stops as possible and then to be able to add a 3rd and 4th set into that same 30 minute time frame.  I finished up today by stretching and then jumping on the treadmill for a 15 minute cooldown.  My plan this week is to add a couple of days of cardio to my 3 workout days, in order to improve my cardiovascular endurance and help me get through these circuit training workouts without fighting to catch my breath so much.  

As this first week of the program comes to an end, I find myself excited about getting back into a regular routine and wondering how I could ever have gone this long.  I LOVE WORKING OUT.......this is great:)   I hope that everyone will find this blog motivating and/or educational.  I've started linking videos and links for exercises I'm doing in my workouts in case anyone wants to try them; and if you want to experience it all for yourself, you know where to find me.  Looking forward to sharing my gains and results over the next couple of weeks.  

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Today I received my nutrition plan from Kevin.  That's right the same guy who's been kicking my butt in Star Max this week is also Star Fitness's on-staff Certified Performance Nutritionist, and get's to tell me all the good things I can't eat over the next 8 weeks.  I've seen the results clients have had with Kevin's nutrition plans but wasn't sure what to expect.  At a glance though, I realized that this really wasn't so bad.....

Goal: Lose weight & tone muscles

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) - 2690 calories
-This is the amount of calories my body needs to function at rest with minimal movements.  This probably seems like too many calories to most but, since I am 274lbs right now, I require alot of calories just for maintenance.  Lowering your caloric intake by more than 1000 calories below maintenance may invoke the body's starvation response, which can lead to the yo-yo dieting effect.  A sudden drop (500 calories or more) can cause your metabolism to slow down, so the goal is to try to lower calories gradually.

Activity Based Caloric Requirement - 2944 calories
-This is the amount of calories my body requires when adjusted to the activity demands of life and exercise.  This is my established baseline.

Goal Adjusted Caloric Requirement - 2450 calories
-This is the amount of calories I need to ensure that my body is in a constant state of deficit and ensure weight loss.  Protein is kept high to maintain lean body tissue, while carbohydrates and fat are lowered to force the body to use fat stores as energy.

Weekly Schedule

Day 1 - Goal Adjusted 
*2450 calories - 817 calories protein(204g), 408 fat calories(45g-less than 12g saturated), 1225 carb calories(306g)

Day 2 - Goal Adjusted 

Day 3 - Goal Adjusted 

Day 4 - Goal Adjusted 

Day 5 - Low Carb
*2250 calories - 817 calories protein(204g), 408 fat calories(45g-less than 12g saturated), 1025 carb calories(306g)

Day 6 - Low Carb

Day 7 - Baseline (Pizza!!!)
*2944 calories

Ideal Protein Foods
Steak, pork, chicken, salmon, tilapia, milk cheese, nuts, protein shakes
Ideal Fat Foods
Nuts, cheese, milk
Ideal Carb Foods
Whole grain bread and pasta, vegetables, fruits, juice, tea(small amounts)

Not bad at all.  I get to eat steak, pork, chicken, fish and pizza, so I definitely won't get bored of my options.  I just have to make sure that my cheat days coincide with workout days, drink lots of water, take a daily multi-vitamin and make sure I get in 100% of my daily recommended fiber.  Apples are a great source of fiber and I've always credited them as my secret weapon when I first dropped down from 300lbs back in 2000.  I would go through a bag in a couple of days and still luv them.  I'll be hitting the supermarket first thing in the morning.

Tomorrow I get to workout with Ben, another one of our Star Fitness trainers.   Besides pointing at me and mouthing "eleven AM" whenever he saw me today, he hasn't really said much about our workout.  He was voted as the trainer with the best results by the rest of the staff at the Christmas party last year though, so I know I'm in for something special.  Gonna hit the sack now and get some rest.  I'll let you guys know what he hits me with as soon as I can catch my breath:)

Thursday, January 13, 2011


The soreness finally set in today but it still wasn't as bad as I thought.  I could feel it in my abs and hamstrings but only enough to make me wonder how it was going to translate during my evening workout with Kevin.  Busy day kinda flew by but as I walked by the flat bench press I spotted Kevin spotting Danny with 275lbs and figured I would give it a shot.  Managed to knock out 3 reps of 275lbs pretty easily, so at least the strength is still there(don't tell my fiance I did that though lol).  Before I know it Kevin's trash talking me about what lies ahead in Star Max and 6:15 is here.  I get the feeling he has something special planned but no worries; I'll take whatever he throws my way.  Kevin starts us off with the warm-up and then comes out swinging......

--Sprints: 4 x baseline to baseline
--Dynamic Stretch: high knees, butt kicks, frankensteins, heel tuck(in), heel tuck(out) baseline to baseline and broken up by sprints

We then each grabbed a 40lb barbell to start our circuit....

--Push ups w/ Toes on Barbell: 20 reps (this is a great push up variation that incorporates more core work but my abs were already way too sore for this, so I did regular push ups.  Just give me a couple of weeks though)
--Chest Press w/ Leg Raise: 40lbs x 20 reps
--Alternating Abdominal V-Ups: 40 reps
--Russian Twists: 40 reps
--Wind Sprints: 8 x baseline to baseline

At this point I felt like my heart was about to pop out of my chest and I needed a minute because I was having a hard time catching my breath.  Couldn't take too long cause all eyes were on me but maybe I should have cause Kevin really was just beginning.

--Barbell Clean, Press & Squat: 40lbs x 15 reps
--Barbell Bicep Curls: 40lbs x 15 reps
--Ab Planks on Barbell: 3 x @ Kevin's whim
--Ab Bicycles: 40 reps
--Back Pedal Suicides: 2 x baseline to baseline
--1 Arm Barbell Snatch: 40lbs x 10 reps

We got 3 minutes of active recovery ( at this point and I had to walk away for a bit to get refocused for part 2 of this madness.  As soon as I stepped back on the court it was time to go again.

--Push ups: 20 reps
--Chest Press w/ Leg Raise: 40lbs x 20 reps

--Alternating Abdominal V-Ups: 40 reps
--Russian Twists: 40 reps
--Barbell Clean, Press & Squat: 40lbs x 15 reps
--Barbell Bicep Curls: 40lbs x 15 reps
--Ab Planks on Barbell: 3 x @ Kevin's whim(I came in with my abs burning, so I ended up doing regular planks on my last 2 sets here)
--Ab Bicycles: 40 reps
--1 Arm Barbell Snatch: 40lbs x 10 reps
--Suicides: 3 x baseline to baseline

I was burnt after this circuit and didn't think I would ever get through the suicides but I pushed through and finished it up.  As I sat there trying to catch my breath after the workout the Step class came in and 1 of the members commented on how tired I looked.  I had to laugh because I've had a couple of people now comment on the workout, knowing that they wouldn't dare step up to the plate.  That's cool though because I plan on adding Step into my program at some point and I'm gonna be putting my step right next to her when I do........hope she can keep up;) 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Woke up this morning and was surprised to find that I really wasn't that sore at all.  I should have known better though and that it was only a matter of time before the DOMS(Delayed Onset Muscle Syndrome) started setting in.  As the day went by I began to notice my abs tightening up a little bit more every time I laughed and could feel my abs, glutes and hamstrings cry out a little more each time I sat down or stood up.  Not gonna let that slow me down though.  Just have to keep stretching and keep the blood flowing to my aching muscles.  No pain, no gain.

Since this is only my first week back, I'm only working out 3 days this week and today was an off day.  No need to overdo it the first week out, and proper rest and recovery are a big part of getting the results that you want.  Another big part of getting the results you want is proper diet and nutrition, so I knew I needed to get my eating down right away and needed to get Kevin to do my body composition and put together a meal plan for me.  Now it's been quite awhile since I checked my bodyfat, and was kinda dreading it, but I needed to know what I was starting with in order to set my goals.  Can't keep reminiscing about my days of 9% bodyfat; I need to start working to get back there. After Kevin was done pulling my leg and trying to convince me that I was 37% bodyfat, the final numbers were:

Weight: 274 lbs
Bodyfat: 21.2%
Lean weight: 215.8 lbs
Fat weight: 58.1 lbs

A good ways away from calendars and swimwear shoots of days gone by but I've been worse and this is just the starting point.  I'm gonna go buy myself a bright red speedo this weekend for my after pictures lol

I know my soreness is only going to get worse tomorrow and my Star Max Elite workout with Kevin is going to be rough but I'm focused right now, so stay tuned for tomorrow's results.


Starting off my first week doing Star Max Elite with Kevin at the helm.  Figured boot camp 2 days a week would be a good foundation for the first 6 weeks of my program but the grin Kevin had on his face all day had me wondering what I was getting myself into.  I wander around the gym waiting for 6:15pm and when the clock strikes, Kevin suddenly appears out of nowhere and starts barking orders.  Here we go......

-Sprints: 6 times back and forth across the basketball court
-Dynamic stretching: high knees, butt kicks, frankensteins, heel tuck(in), heel tuck(out) across the court and broken up by sprints.
-Suicides w/ back pedal: 2 times on basketball court

Seems like a lot of running right?  I thought so too but I was ready for this, so no problem......and then I was informed that the workout was about about to begin. What? That wasn't it?  Oh, that was just the warm up.  Okay, what's next.

-Roman twists:  20lbs x 40 reps
-Alternating V-Ups: 30 reps
-1 arm DB snatches: 20lbs x 15 reps
-Bicep Curl/Shoulder press: 20lbs x 20 reps
-Walking lunges: 20lbs sideline to sideline x 2
-Karaoke: 2 x baseline to baseline and back pedal across the free throw area

Right about now my legs were just about dead and we got a 30 second break.  Figured we were almost done by now, so I asked the front desk for the time.......6:42pm.  "What?  We haven't even been going for 30 minutes yet?  I'm gonna need that bottle of water I paid for earlier."  Well, here we go again.

-Toe touches: 30 reps
-Ab Leg Raises(straight): 20 reps
-Ab Leg Raises(legs spread): 20 reps
-Farmer's Run: 20lbs baseline to baseline x 4
For those of you who don't know a Farmer's walk is when you take a weight in each hand and while keeping your arms at your sides, shoulder back and chest out, walk forward several feet and then return to your starting point.  Kevin's sadistic twist on this is to make us run instead of walk, after all the other leg stuff we already did.  I walked.  Hey, it's my first day back!! After another quick breather we hit the finishing stretch.

-Push-ups: 15 reps
-2 Arm DB Row: 20lbs x 15 reps
-Explosive DB Squat Press: 20lbs x 15 reps

By this time my legs weren't responding to anything more than basic commands and exploding out of a squat into a shoulder press just wasn't happening, so I ended up just doing body weight squats for 10 reps.

-Walking lunges w/ Bicep Curl: 20lbs sideline to sideline x 2
-DB Tricep Extension: 20lbs x 20 reps
-Flutter Kicks: 3 sets x ??? (Kevin was counting down from 10 but those darn sure weren't seconds he was counting)
-Ab Bridge: 4 sets (Kevin did his mysterious count down again but I think he was really just trying to make us tap out)
-Wind Sprints: 4 x baseline to baseline

Done....finally!!  Made it through workout number one with my fist trainer, with only 2 or 3 bouts of dizziness......maybe 4,  and I didn't throw up lol.  I'm exhausted and it feels great!!!  7 more trainers waiting their turn to put me through the ringer though, so stay tuned to see if I've bitten off more than I can chew lol  So far I have Kevin on Thursday and Ben on Saturday morning.   Grabbed a protein shake on the way out of the gym and I'm definitely looking forward to the next 8 weeks;)